by Henna Faeldo
Last English Day, January 19, 2009, students practiced speaking in English to enhance their ability to speak in English. English is also the universal language, it means every people understand the language.
English Day was held at the Elementary Building and was hosted by Ihna Narvaez and Fitz Jordan. Every year level prepared their presentation. Some do declamation, poem, speech, and a chamber theater are some of the presentation prepared by each class. Ms. Roda took charge of the event, she also helped the High School students in doing their presentation. The 1st year class presented a declamation entitled “Two Friends” while the 2nd year class performed a choral entitled “Poor Old Woman”. They wore complete costumes and make-ups, all of them participated and memorized their script very well. They also had their facial expressions too. The 3rd year students were the main event of the day. They performed a Chamber Theater entitled “Mr. Money and Mrs. Luck”, Marius Martino as the Mr. Money and Marinel Bacala as Mrs. Luck. All of the students were happy as the presentation ended.