by Khristine Caasi
January 09, 2009, was the first chapel hour for the High School Department for this year. Even though the weather is bad, teachers and students still attend this activity. The 3rd year high school students are in charge of this activity. Marinel Bacala, JM Mahinay and Jasfer Villanueva led the praise and worship while, Rephael Secretario, Francis Juinio, Hanz Resurreccion and Remar Ebrona played the instruments. Marjorie Deocariza pray for the opening prayer and after the prayer Jil Martinez, Noemi Llorera and Kaye Bondoc gave a prelude dance as their offertory worship to God. Their presentation is about “Rahab and the two spies”.
It was interesting because they play it in a form of pantomime and make it humorous so everybody could enjoy watching it. After the play, Marinel Bacala explained about the play so that it would be more understandable. Offering and tithes were gathered during the chapel hour. Dr. Rubai was invited speaker to discuss about HEROES. The definition hero is an ordinary person who responded to an EXTRA–ORINADY GOD.
She said that you can be a hero even though you are too fat, too small, and too young or no talent at all. She also set some person who became a hero even though they are just simple person like Darna, Superman, Spiderman and etc. and some bible characters. Rahab is became a hero when she helped the two spies. She is a pagan woman and prostitute. Despite of her background, God chose her to become a hero to help others.
Before this activity ends, Dra. Rubai left an unforgettable lesson from this topic. She said that God can make you a hero regardless of your background. Closing prayer by Rey Tam and some announcements by JM Mahinay. This chapel hour service teaches each and everyone what is the true meaning of becoming a hero. You and I can be a hero someday, with GOD.